Singing Workshop

Free Your Voice Singing Workshop. Held by singer and singing teacher ANA PILAT. Open to anyone interested in singing. Check more and come along!

Kaikille kiinnostuneille avoin laulukurssi oman lauluäänen vapauttamiseksi. Ohjaus Ana Pilat. Katso alta tarkemmat tiedot. Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

Tiedustelut ja ilmoittautumiset / Inquiries and registration:

Singing Workshop in Spring 2025

These Singing Workshops are for anyone looking to deepen the connection with their own voice. Through basic exercises from the ’School of Uncovering the Voice’ we will improve the sound quality, deepen our breathing and encourage the art of listening. Singing world songs will enhance joy and harmony within the group. No previous experience is required.

Free Your Voice – Group singing sessions with Ana Pilat –
Based on The School of Uncovering the Voice

On Wednesdays, from 15.1.2025 onwards
Time 17:15-18:30

Price: 25 euroa
Payment by card or cash in the beginning
Place : Taitein, Lehtikuusentie 2 M, Helsinki
The course is held in English/Finnish, with the possibility of translation.
Workshops are organized for 6-14 participants.

Inquiries and registration, latest 3 days before each Workshop:

Peruutuksista: Mikäli peruutat kurssille tulon viimeisen ilmoittautumisajan jälkeen tai jätät saapumatta, pidätämme/laskutamme 50 % kurssihinnasta, alle 24h peruutuksissa tai mikäli ilmoittautuneena jätät saapumatta paikalle pidätämme / laskutamme kurssimaksun kokonaisuudessaan.


You can also book private lessons from Ana in addition to the courses! Voit kysyä Analta myös laulun yksityistunteja kurssien yhteyteen:

More about Ana on her own website:

Watch and listen to how Ana and the participants share their experiences from the spring workshops!! Thanks Kari for the videos!

TAITEIN – Ana Pilat , Singing teacher, June 2022
TAITEIN – Singing Workshop, Spring 2022, experiences