In English

“The good can only spring forth from the depth of free human hearts and minds, working together in mutual help and understanding.”
Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon, 2017, Spiritual Science in the 21st Century: Transforming Evil, Meeting the Other and Awakening to the Global Initiation of Humanity

About us

TAITEIN is established in order to create more space for art. Our goal is to be an organizer for low-threshold and straightforward art courses and experiences. Our activities are open to everyone who’s interested. We consciously focus on doing and on the quality of artistic activity itself and not so much on products or end results. In our view, paying attention to artistic process itself is extremely valuable. Inner transformation takes time and needs steps.. Joy comes from small movements!

DELVING INTO / UNCOVERING EMERGING HUMANITY – exploration of humanity in working groups, courses and seminars, – when possible to act in freedom – we can learn to know and become more aware of ourselves and the world around us through artistic work, conversation, self-observation, human encounter and activity of cognition.

WE WANT TO SERVE art enthusiasts as well as the hosts of the workshops and courses. Our goal is to be the organizers of artistic pursuits that do not require any previous experiences or knowledge, thus offering everyone interested the opportunity to start practicing art and self-knowledge. Ask about our offerings and come along! Or tell us what you would like to organize and where, we will help you.

The supporting membership fee is 35€ per year. To join please pay amount to Taitein ry’s account: FI34 4055 0011 6176 32, HELSFIHH. In the message, please enter your name and mention of the supporting membership fee. Free supporting payments are also very welcome. Supporting payments allow us to expand our activities and gain more stability and go for the future. Inquiries:

Warm thanks to all the supporters!

Courses and workshops in english, see below!

Tuulikki Sarekoski
Phone: +358 50 4343432

Lemminkäinen’s dream, Kalevala, J.K.

Courses and workshops in english:

Here you will find courses and events where English is included. Please get in touch if you have any questions!


New Singing Workshop coming from Ana Pilat, check out!